Friday, September 2, 2011

How Challenges of creating social networks was solved by phpfox

Have you ever thought of creating own network in the internet in future? If you answer is yes, you are welcome, if your answer is no, then be working for people, if your answer is may be, okay one day you will create one.
Let us consider places or sites to create network be it a social network, dating site, retired group, student network, affiliate network, MLM network. Their advantages and disadvantges. Some popular sites that provides these scripts are:

*NING NETWORK= If you create any network in Ning you will be charged monthly.
*DOLPHIN= If you create in dolphin you buy licence and pay one time but their network features is purely for dating sites.

*SOCIALGO= If you create network in sociago you will be given 1gd space free. As soon as you exaust, that or they have enough customers , you will be required to pay monthly subscription or loss you site, subscription of $9.+/m, For those following it happened in Ning network.

*PHPFOX= If you create network with Phpfox you have to pay one time, the have lite plan, start from $99, the have sound network with all features. See phpfox here get your network now

*WORDPRESS= If you create a social nework with wordpress is free for 1gd. You need to buy alot of widget, plugins, themes to make your site look okay and if you need higher network you upgrade monthly. So expensive.

*JOOMLA= Joomla has has good network with poor html and they run monthly upgrade.

My view is that since we are out to make network for people to connect and do business , you that created the network should be careful of where to create so that when you are providing this service you don't have waste your money on upgrading monthly, just go to phpfox network and get social network scripts for one time payment while your members upgrade monthly for you, you monetize your site, your run a campagin and many more.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Chuks,

    Very cool and informative post. As I told you, I will put the link in issue 4 of the APSense Business Builders eZine, which will appear in 2 weeks.

